What is Fasting and Why is it Recommended

What is Fasting and Why is it Recommended

It’s hard to believe that skipping a meal can be a healthy choice when all we have heard our whole lives is, “Eat three square meals a day,” and “Clean your plate,” and “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” Yet more and more often, fasting seems to be...
Passing 100 Days on Ketovore

Passing 100 Days on Ketovore

As I passed the 100 day mark on a ketovore way of eating, I started several new things to support this journey. We made the decision to join Dr. Ken Berry’s Proper Human Diet community. He has moved his base from Patreon to an independent platform accessed through his...
A 90 Day Ketovore Summer

A 90 Day Ketovore Summer

It is hard to believe that I have now completed 90 days following a Ketovore lifestyle, making this my first Ketovore summer. I say first because I view this change as a permanent one that I will enjoy for many many summers to come! Overall, I am not sure I “feel” any...
What is a Ketogenic Diet?

What is a Ketogenic Diet?

The Ketogenic diet is a way of eating comprised of high fat and moderate protein along with low carbohydrates. It typically includes meats, fatty fish, eggs, full-fat dairy products, plant-based oils, nuts, seeds, and low-carb vegetables. The goal is to achieve a...
What is the Lion Diet?

What is the Lion Diet?

The Lion diet, a stricter variation of the carnivore diet, is a way of eating that is the narrowest of these four elimination diets, including only ruminant meat, salt and water. Since meat is absorbed in the small intestine and there is no plant matter to stir up the...