
We are everyday people taking charge of our health one step at a time. Proper human nutrition should not be complicated. Yet, somehow it is. So, we invite you to join us on our quest to find what might solve our medical issues, restore us to better health, and in turn, enjoy a longer life. We are not medical doctors and nothing we share should be construed as medical advice. Sharing is caring and that is what we are setting out to do. We are building this website as a resource as you begin to research into ketovore and more!  NOTE:  We are in the development stage of this site, check back frequently.  We look forward to meeting you.

What is Ketovore?

The Ketovore Diet is an elimination diet that hits a happy medium between the more well-known ketogenic and carnivore diets. If Keto includes a plate of half low-carb veggies and half protein with fat, and a carnivore plate includes all protein and fat, a ketovore plate is about ¾ of protein and fat with ¼ a rotation of lettuces, low-carb veggies or nuts, and seasonal berries. The ketovore approach, as with keto and carnivore, involves consuming a primarily animal-based diet in order to stay in a state of ketosis, where the body relies on fats for fuel instead of carbohydrates.

Ketovore emphasizes high-fat, moderate-protein, and extremely low-carbohydrate intake. Staying in a state of ketosis is beneficial because it leads to stored fat burning, consistent energy, a leveled out blood sugar and insulin levels along with a myriad of other potential health benefits. See the plates below for a visual representation of the four diet variations along with the “typical” macros.

Keto Plate

The ketogenic diet is a way of eating that includes high fat and protein along with low carbohydrates.

Fat 65–75%
Protein 20–25%
Carbohydrates 5–10%

A Ketovore Plate

Ketovore Plate

The ketovore diet is a way of eating that hits a happy medium between ketogenic and carnivore diets.

Fat 75-80%
Protein 15-20%
Carbohydrates 0-5%

A Carnivore Plate

Carnivore Plate

The carnivore diet is a way of eating that includes only animal sourced ingredients such as beef, poultry, seafood, and eggs.

Fat 70-85%
Protein 15-30%
Carbohydrates 0%

A Lion Plate

Lion Plate

The lion diet is a way of eating that is the narrowest of these elimination diets, including only ruminant meat, salt and water.

Fat 75%
Protein 25%
Carbohydrates 0%


The Basics

WHO can eat the Ketovore way?

  • Anyone who is willing to try, taking into careful account your current medical status.
  • Anyone who wants to lose weight, reign in food addictions, or identify allergy inducing foods or inflammatory foods.
  • Anyone who is a regular everyday person, those who spend their days in the spotlight and everyone in between.
  • Anyone who wants to be in control of their food instead of their food in control of them.
  • Anyone who is a kid, teen, young adult, adult, or senior.

WHEN can ketovore be started?

  • When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired.
  • When you are at the end of your rope trying to solve a medical diagnosis.
  • When you have studied up and feel comfortable beginning this journey.
  • When you have joined a group or community for support and information.
  • NOW might be the perfect time to start!

WHERE should I be to start Ketovore?

  • Physically, anywhere is a great place to start.
  • You may live with family members, roommates, or siblings. Do not expect them to join in at the beginning.
  • Let your experience speak for itself, allowing it to peak their interest. No one can argue with your personal testimony.
  • Mentally, it is best to be at a point of commitment for 30-90 days.  This is where your support system and your “why” are critical.

WHY should I consider Ketovore?

  • We can probably all agree that removing highly processed sugar and foods, along with seed oils from daily consumption is a huge step forward to improve your health.
  • You might lose weight.
  • You might lower blood pressure.
  • You might discover what real hunger cues are.
  • You might sleep better.
  • You might reverse a diagnosis you’ve been given. I doubt anyone has ever died from trying a low-carb diet, yet diabetes takes 100,000 lives in the US yearly.
  • You’ve probably tried everything else, haven’t you?

Are there DOWNSIDES to Ketovore?

  • As I am sure you are aware, any new adventure has its challenges. Yes, there is one hard aspect of Ketovore. Facing the reality that you may be a carbohydrate and sugar addict means the first week or so will include dealing with symptoms of withdrawal.
  • Some experience several weeks of digestive upset as the body transitions its machinery to using ketones instead of glucose for fuel.
  • The mental challenge is in committing to a proper time frame between 30-90 days to explore how ketovore is benefiting you. Mainstream medical advice has told us for years that high cholesterol, saturated fats and butter are bad so new updated education is key. It’s going to take some retraining. For yourself and those around you.

HOW should I start Ketovore?

  • Start by removing processed foods, carbs and sugar from your kitchen.
  • Make a commitment for 30 – 90 days to give ketovore sufficient time as you transition to a proper human diet.
  • A BBBES approach is a wonderful place to start. That acronym stands for Beef, Butter, Bacon, Eggs and Salt! This sets a baseline starting point from which you can continue with any one of the four diet variations.
  • Plan out some meals and START!

Explore Some More…

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His Journey

Click for Explanations


Click for Overall Health

Overall Health

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