
Passing 100 Days on Ketovore

Passing 100 Days on Ketovore

As I passed the 100 day mark on a ketovore way of eating, I started several new things to support this journey. We made the decision to join Dr. Ken Berry’s Proper Human Diet community. He has moved...

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A 90 Day Ketovore Summer

A 90 Day Ketovore Summer

It is hard to believe that I have now completed 90 days following a Ketovore lifestyle, making this my first Ketovore summer. I say first because I view this change as a permanent one that I will...

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What is a State of Ketosis?

What is a State of Ketosis?

"State of Ketosis" is a healthy metabolic state that occurs when the body starts using fat as its primary source of energy instead of carbohydrates. Normally, the body's main source of energy comes...

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What is a Ketogenic Diet?

What is a Ketogenic Diet?

The Ketogenic diet is a way of eating comprised of high fat and moderate protein along with low carbohydrates. It typically includes meats, fatty fish, eggs, full-fat dairy products, plant-based...

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What is the Lion Diet?

What is the Lion Diet?

The Lion diet, a stricter variation of the carnivore diet, is a way of eating that is the narrowest of these four elimination diets, including only ruminant meat, salt and water. Since meat is...

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What is a Carnivore Diet?

What is a Carnivore Diet?

What is Carnivore You Ask? The definition of a carnivore is an organism, typically an animal, that mostly eats meat. The Carnivore diet is an elimination diet that includes only animal sourced...

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