Fred’s 7th Week on Ketovore: Weight Loss

Jul 20, 2023 | His Journey

I have finally broken into the 170’s.  I know that sounds strange but I am SO stoked to get into the 70s.  The lowest I have ever been in the last 20 years is 174.  I am 4 lbs away from hitting my lowest low.  I’m in a groove of experiencing ketovore weight loss.  I am now eating ketovore leaning more to the carnivore slant.  I am trying to minimize veggies and of course trying to go almost zero carbs.  This is the first week that people are starting to notice and ask me what I am doing.  I usually answer keto because people know what that is.  Most people would think carnivore is crazy.

Experiencing the Ketovore Weight Loss

Can you lose weight with the ketovore diet? THe short answer is a resounding yes! The best part about this diet is you don’t have to restrict food or the amount you eat. You are only concerned about sticking to the TYPE of food you eat.

I have finally broken into the 170’s.  I know that sounds strange but I am SO stoked to get into the 70s.  The lowest I have ever been in the last 20 years is 174.  I am 4 lbs away from hitting my lowest low.  I’m in a groove of experiencing ketovore weight loss.  I am now eating ketovore leaning more to the carnivore slant.  I am trying to minimize veggies and of course trying to go almost zero carbs.  This is the first week that people are starting to notice and ask me what I am doing.  I usually answer keto because people know what that is.  Most people would think carnivore is crazy.

Ketovore Weight Loss – Your Next Steps

So you made a decision, you are ready to go, what are your next steps.  Let me introduce you to one of my favorite YouTubers on the subject, Dr. Ken Berry.  Check out what he has to say for your next steps on the Ketovore Diet.  Enjoy!

Current Weight: 178.0 lbs

(Down 24.0 lbs for the year)

Two Ketovore Meals a Day

(I typically eat my meals 4-6 hours apart.)

Walking 60 Mins a Day

(1 Minute of Running)

Fred's Weight 178.0 Down 24.0
Fred Campos


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